Posts in Category: recycled objects

Great Resources: magazines to the internet

It started with my mother’s Better Homes and Gardens back in the late 60’s early 70’s. Thumbing through them after she had finished looking at that month’s issue. Cutting out the pages of things I had liked and anticipating applying the ideas in my first apartment. I would make collages with images based on color. Pages of things of various shades of blues, greens and of course – purples. I never really liked oranges, yellows or reds – back then…

After I had graduated from design school and moved to Massachusetts, I began receiving my own issues of Better Homes and Garden each month in the mail. I then added Metropolitan Home and Architectural Digest. Martha Stewart came and went and as I glance over at the bookcase in my office now: stacks of Home, Domino (2005-2009) and House and Garden date back to 2006. The largest collection is Natural Home from May 2007 to this month’s issue. I also have an IKEA brochure for each year dating back to 2006.

lmk interiors, ltd. bookcase            lmk interiors, ltd. close up magazines

I love turning the pages and looking through old as well as contemporary issues. It offers inspiration for layouts, color palettes and overall design that I can share with clients. The only difference now is that I can view most of the magazines I have mentioned on the internet. I only subscribe to one magazine: Natural Home and Garden.

Several of these magazines are no longer published nor do they have websites, but I did want to share a few that I enjoy viewing. On any of these sites you can type in green interior design, eco-friendly design or sustainable design in the search window and find a wealth of ideas.

Metropolitan Home ceased publication in 2009, but a website with all of the archived issues and new inspirations can be found at The plus: there are so many categories to find a multitude of ideas; the negative: one can get lost on the website for HOURS! I find this to be true on most of the following websites. My advice is to limit your searches to an hour at a time. (Better Home and Gardens)                                                                                                                         (I do look at this at the checkout register in the grocery store when they have an issue on the stands)

                          Natural Home and Garden magazine issues

As I have shared, my Natural Home and Garden magazine is my largest collection. Mainly because it offers a wealth of information on green design. It showcases renovations and new construction as well as providing information on sustainable and recycled products for use in the home as building materials and purposeful  and decorative products. I enjoy using their website, but I still love turning the pages and dog-earring things I like and might use on my next project!

Through Facebook I have found some great websites (blogs) that keep me posted with innovative products and design ideas as well. By subscribing to them, I get their posts on my news feed and can click for the latest informative tidbit.                                                                                

I enjoy sharing these sites with you. If you have any questions, you can always contact me at [email protected] or (978)335-1140.

Recycled Objects: at flea markets, antique stores and yard sales

rocking chair

It’s early morning on a sunny, warm Sunday in April, and I am pulling out of my driveway with cash in hand before the rest of my family have even opened their eyes. I have a purpose. I need a rocking chair for my porch. I have a destination. Todd Farm, a flea market, located in Rowley, MA. ( ) It has been a New England fixture for 37 years. I have been going there for the past 15 years. I am looking forward to strolling up and down the aisles created in a field in search of my rocking chair. I also look forward to talking with the vendors about the histories of the objects they are selling and possibly claiming a “find”. To me, this is an enjoyable shopping experience.people at Todd Farm

Flea markets are not for everyone. Many would prefer a clean store with brand name items displayed in an orderly fashion with price tags showing the cost. Don’t get me wrong, I shop there too. But for those of us that enjoy the search for that “perfect object”, haggling over price, getting some dust on our shoes and even walking away from the item is worth a few hours spent outside at a flea market, yard sale or antique store. I have great stories from my visits to The Brimfield Antique and Flea Market ( ), Salt Marsh Antiques ( ) and a great store in Newburyport called Flukes, Finds and Friends located at 70 State Street. You can also shop online at eBay, Craig’s list or in the comfort of your own home!

For me, the pleasure of searching for the item is just as rewarding as actually finding and purchasing it. I am learning that with most things in my life, it is really the process work that provides me with that satisfying feeling in the end. As with most purchases, you should do your due diligence in researching the value of the object compared to the amount you are willing to pay for the condition it is in. I have bought many items that were “damaged”, but the value I saw in them from an emotional standpoint weighed in their favor. I also know that I have the resources available to have repairs made to an item. Whether those repairs are made by my husband, me or a professional, restoring an item to its beauty can be very satisfying. To me, there is something special about having something withstand many years of use and shared by many people. Maybe that is why I live in a 110 year old house and drive a 40 year old car!


I am not sure if I purchased my rocking chair that day at Todd Farm. I do know that over the course of many years I have purchased at least 6 old rocking chairs that I have lovingly painted or my husband has restored. I have also found beautiful depression glass items that are worthy of being collectibles; however, to me they are functional objects of beauty that I love to use when we are entertaining. Along with furniture; clothing, artwork, pottery, and even toys are some of the many items I have found at flea markets, antique stores, yard sales and even along the roadside on trash pick up days. This is the perfect time of year to get out there and find your special recycled objects with the warm weather. Please feel free to contact me if you find that wonderful piece that you have been looking for, but it needs some refreshing. I have valuable resources for upholstering, restoration/repair and creating painted furnishings.